This place is cool. If you've never been and you have the chance to go, do it. It lacks the glitz of Nashville and you won't find the community of artists Knoxville boasts, but it's a neat place to visit.
The local aquarium is my favorite...gasp. I know, I live a short drive away from the world's most awesome, huge, blow-your-mind, overrated aquarium known to man kind, just ask us how great it is...we can talk about it for days. You can't blame us though, I mean honestly when we introduce guests to the city it's nice to be able to bring something up that will distract unsuspecting souls from the uncomfortable visual assault via the monstrous skewered peach that adorns the Atlanta skyline...
Anyway, aquariums.
I prefer what Chattanooga has to offer.
Like this...
It's a special kind of blurry fish. The Atlanta aquarium doesn't have it...
Also there's this lovely alligator. As you can see he is highly mobile and extremely entertaining, I also got the distinct feeling that he might have been cold.
Chattanooga has what looks like post-apocalyptic urban terrain as decor.
It has a very large brick couch on the sidewalk.
This is a point in Chattanooga's favor in case you wondered...
Chattanooga also has a rowing team who I unfortunately failed to capture in is picture. They were remarkably pale and had a vaguely tortured look about them.