Wednesday, December 5, 2012


I have a few DIY and Haul posts in the making, it's true. I'm not lying.

I also have laundry to fold and dishes to wash. That's the honest to goodness truth too.

Here's the deal, I have strep throat.

I haven't been this sick in years.


I had myself convinced this morning that my fever had finally broken, no such luck. Delusional actually when it turns out I was cooking along at a toasty 102.5...

 2 p.m. rolled around and I felt like death warmed over so I said uncle and went to the doctor.

I made it a good solid 72 hours before tapping out and begging for antibiotics, yay for feeling worse for longer all for the sake of holistic naturopath pride. Blah.

After 7 bottles of Gatorade, 5 naps, who knows how many hot baths and a pretty traumatizing experience at Publix involving a disappearing prescription and subsequent tears, I seem to maybe be on the mend.

Anyway - I digress. I'm working on putting together some DIY posts and I have a lot of neat thrift store finds I picked up over the last few weeks to share...all in good time. I just have to work on this whole swallowing thing for the next day or two.

In the mean time... have a great week, stay healthy and be well.



Sunday, December 2, 2012

Berry Patch Farms

I love traditions, I also love Christmas - the two combined are really just peaches and cream.

Unfortunately we don't have an established Christmas tree tradition, the first year we were married we didn't even decorate our own...we had an influx of elf-like siblings who came over and took the ordeal on as a charity act.

This year instead of braving the Black Friday crowds we went to Berry Patch Farms to find the perfect tree, Home Depot ended up having the one we were after...but that trip wasn't nearly as aesthetically pleasing.

If you live in the Woodstock area, check this place out. It's family owned and operated and in the summer time (as you might have ascertained given the name...) they grow a few different crops of berries. They also have a very friendly golden retriever who is more than happy to accommodate all of your puppy-loving needs.

What are your Christmas tree traditions? 

