Friday, January 11, 2013

oh, swimwear...

Does anyone remember last summer? Life in an oven I kid you not.

Warm weather equals several things. Heat stroke. Sweat. Awkward beading on your upper lip and swimsuit season.

It's coming...slowly but surely and here's the crux of the matter how I turn things around in my head, no matter how I approach things, the fact is that there is a distinct probability that I will be...substantial...come summer time.

Guys, picking out a swimsuit is hard enough without incorporating the considerations of dressing the substantial statement that is a pregnant belly.

On top of all of this, is it just me or is it nearly impossible to find a maternity bathing suit that doesn't look like some sort of lampshade covered in garish wallpaper? After hours of searching, I've found a few possibilities I may be looking into in a few months should I decide to creep out of my air conditioned cave in mid July.

As a disclaimer, none of these are bikinis and obviously there are plenty of those I'm sure would work great since you don't have to worry about stretching anything over your bump...potentially more comfortable if we're going to be honest. I feel more at home in a one piece or tankini even when I'm not pregnant so that's what I stuck with in my search for maternity swimwear.

Click the description of the suit to find it online!

at the front keeps it from being totally boring.
The link takes you to the suit bottoms...the only thing in
stock in mid January apparently... 

Interesting note on this comes from a company called PEZ D'OR Barcelona
check them out here. The look book they provide shows a bunch more cute
maternity swimwear although they have their fair share of "wallpaper suits". They're 
pricey but high quality. Worth a look!

I might have to risk looking like an iceberg. We shall see...  

Hopefully this will make your search for cute swimwear a little easier... it's out there, promise! 



Tuesday, January 8, 2013


Sweet news. 

Good news. 

Blessings, right? 

We're excited, we're surprised, we're thankful and blessed also I'm hungry.

I could eat a house but I'm opting for things a bit more nutritionally sound. 

I'm due in mid September as far as I know though I hope to get a second opinion on that very soon...

