Saturday, January 19, 2013


I found this gem at Goodwill. Please note the lovely gowns. You should make 
it a point to remove any personal pictures of yourself, or of your daughters before donating.   

Sister's working it on the left though...just sayin. 

My sister and her husband moved into their first house today. This place is lovely and it happens to be situated right across the street from this gorgeous farm. Cows, fields, trees, the whole deal. 

Bucolic is the word... 

If you ever have the chance to watch cows run to be fed, don't turn it down. Those suckers can move when they want to. I was impressed. I was also less inclined to try cow tipping. 

Please make these. Please. Meet the perfect cinnamon roll. They're involved, yes. They take time and involve yeast and a rolling pin, but good heavens they're yummy. This coming from the girl who hasn't had one of these things in over two years (thanks wheat allergy...). They left that much of an impression on me. 

Pet a puppy, it's therapeutic but only if you can do so sans allergic reaction. There's
nothing therapeutic about swollen sinus nodes. 

This is Bindi... Uh, cute. 

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Our Wedding

Brad and I got married a little over two years ago. Best decision of my entire life.

Our wedding date was November 13th, 2010 and we got married on the campus of Berry College at Frost Chapel and to this day the only thing I would change about the wedding is choosing a different sound tech. 

Like one that actually showed up. 


- Post Wedding Shoot -



Monday, January 14, 2013

Mercy Monday

Today was like a sucker punch to the abdomen. It rained. It got very cold after being very warm over the weekend. I added another notch to the belt of "women can't drive" by hitting a car. A parked car. I scheduled a dental appointment for later this month so now there's this dark day looming over me in the second half of January. The word "dentist" makes my skin crawl. "The dentist makes it all better" they say. "You won't feel a thing..." they say.

But sometimes days like these are really very good. Days that rain in more ways than one. Days that are cloudy and slow and maybe even a little depressing. They remind me of what I'm thankful for and what's important and it isn't having perfect weather. It isn't never making a mistake. It isn't going to the dentist.


The dentist is our friend.

In other news, we have added a new member to the family, no, I'm not talking about the little one making his or her appearance in September...

We got another puppy!

Her name is

                                                    "Bindi The Adorable Australian Shepherd"  

But that's a mouthful, so we're just calling her Bindi.

The goal is to have her function as a seeing eye dog of sorts for Clove, our blind English setter. At least for the time being, we're still evaluating Clove's needs and whether or not we'll be able to fulfill them. Here's to hoping Bindi makes things a little better.

You'll be happy to know they're the best of friends and thoroughly enjoy chewing on one another's ears and sitting on each other. Precious really.

You can read more about Clove here.

All in all today was better than I deserve and it was a good reminder of what matters. Now I'm off, I have some puppies to pay some attention to.

