Thursday, December 27, 2012


2012 is shrinking in size very quickly, with that in mind I've been thinking about resolutions...

I'm not a big fan of New Year resolutions, I feel like they tend to be exercises in failure.

Perhaps that's just me. 

Obviously motivational speaking isn't my calling. 

On the other hand, I get the whole "starting fresh" thing, I'm convinced that it's a physical impossibility to start a healthy eating regime on a Saturday. It has to begin on a Monday. Always. Even if I decide enough is enough on a Wednesday, I must complete the week in step with how it began and start anew on the next Monday morning. 

Working out is the same way. 

Starting a new workout regime midweek could possibly kill you.

Don't risk it. 

Please, in the name of all that is good and right...wait till next Monday.

I guess I have a resolution, although it isn't new it's just a bit more important to me now - I'm this close to having the camera I have always wanted. I plan on making that happen in January thanks to a generous monetary gift from family and friends for Christmas (thanks, guys!).

Anyway, hopefully come January grainy iPhone pictures will have had their last hoorah. Amen. 

 - Rae 

Monday, December 24, 2012

happy heart

Merry Christmas. 

My heart is full. My home is warm.

I'm thankful for all 17 of my brothers and sisters... 

 That includes all the in-laws in case you were trying to do the math.  

Anyway, I hope your holiday is lovely. I hope you take the time to make some very sweet memories. 

Roast some chestnuts or something. 

Make it special.  

Love, Rae