Friday, March 8, 2013

Winter Photo Shoot

Here's the thing about the weather this year in Georgia... it has been psycho.

 I'm saying this while I defrost my extremities in the bizarrely warm sunshine that decided to show up today, way to stay scarce, dude.

It has been icy cold and raining since January with only a few brief days of relief, for anyone unfamiliar with Georgia weather, this isn't normal. We are delicate creatures designed for mild winters and toasty summers. This rainy cold is unacceptable.

It's unacceptable for several reasons, chiefly that I am not, in fact, a Cullen and therefore do not require rain in order to live a normal, happily disturbed life.

I am a tropical fish, people, not an arctic seal.

I have mental frostbite.

One perk, we had the incredible pleasure of doing a photo shoot with a local photographer friend and were able to play up the winter theme, since there wasn't another alternative. My lips turned blue about 10 minutes into the shoot, I'm telling you...warm water fish.

The photos made it all so worth it and I have to say if you're looking for a photographer, think about using Hailey...she made us feel so at ease in spite of the cold and we ended up laughing so much I'm surprised she got any half-decent photographs at all, contrary to common belief not everyone looks like a toothpaste model mid-laugh.

Bless you, Hailey for dealing with the cold and with our awkward jokes. You're the bomb.

The hat was kind of a joke, but honestly my head was 5,000 times warmer after I put it on. 

I learned a new appreciation for large fluffy noggin covers. 

You can find her on Facebook as well! 



Monday, March 4, 2013

We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed.
2 Corinthians 4:8-9 

Sunday, March 3, 2013

don't iron your yoga pants.

I had never heard that phrase before today and when I did it resonated with me.

 Don't iron your yoga pants. 

What the heck does that mean...

I'm not sure what it means to you, but to me it means take a chill pill. Don't get your undies in a knot. 

Sometimes that's all we need to hear. Laying all things bare, I feel like I probably don't need to hear it as frequently as some people, I don't label things, if you catch my drift. Zero OCD tendencies over here.

 I tend to err more on the side of que sera-ing my way around my house and not only not ironing my yoga pants, but leaving my dress pants and button up shirts wrinkled as well.  

Following the analogy? 

Anyway, be that as it may, I do need a reminder every now and then that things will work out. Things will be fine. 

That I'm not the biggest planning entity operating in this little universe of ours and as much as I'd like to think that I'm free-spirit material, I get tangled sometimes. 

I compensate by worrying, overdoing, over-thinking. 

I try to iron my yoga pants.

And it doesn't work. 

It's comforting, sometimes - to hear that adage from someone who isn't necessarily familiar with the ins and outs of your day to day life. 

It's going to be fine. 

It's going to work out.  

So, from one worrying, free-spirited nut to another...don't iron your yoga pants. 

Happy Sunday,
