Trendy glasses, good quality, for every pair you buy someone who needs glasses and can't afford them receives a pair... it's a neat concept.
I just ordered some glasses - I've been in
desperate need, as in...I saw a polar bear in the middle of Lake Acworth two weeks ago. In Georgia. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say the likelihood of there actually being a polar bear roaming free in south GA, in mid February is basically nonexistent. Anyway, I'm excited to get them in the mail. I look forward to sight.
It's the little things, y'know?
Here's how it works -
- You sign up with Warby Parker
- Pick 5 frames to try on at home
- Get them in the mail a few days later
- Pick your pair (or in my case - ship them back and get 5 more to pick from)
- Submit your prescription, pay $90 and wait on your new frames to show up! Nifty.
Warby Parker has no idea I'm supporting them on my blog, they don't have a clue who I am, although they do know where I live or else I wouldn't get my glasses...I just like them a whole lot and felt like sharing the love.
p.s. They have monocles...... how cool is that.