Friday, August 31, 2012

Make-Up Brush Tool Belt *DIY*

This is probably one of my favorite DIY projects to date. It's easy, it's cute, it's utilitarian and it cost me absolutely nothing. I had all of the materials I needed already...

I work on the side doing hair and make-up for formal events, mainly weddings but I've done a few things with theater groups as well... anyone who's ever messed around with make-up knows that having a method of organization is imperative. That is, unless you enjoy looking like the Mary Kay version of The Nutty Professor which is probably how I end up coming across half the time. 

Back on track...I needed an organization method, so I decided to tackle a brush belt. 

What you'll need:

3 pieces of fabric - sizes 24x12, 24x8,  and 24x7 inches. 
A sash/belt 

This is the basic idea...

The pieces should layer on top of one another like they do in the diagram...the inches aren't exact, you just need the general shape to be on target. 

The next step will involve folding the top 2 inches of piece 1 down and sewing to create a hole for your sash.... like this

From the side, after sewing it should look like this... 

Ignore my alien fingers in this picture, please. 

Your next step is to take the next piece of fabric - one size down, and sew it on top of piece #1, like this...

Now you're going repeat that step with piece 3 as well...I went ahead and stitched the perimeter of each layer individually because I wanted it to be very sturdy. 

Sew piece three on top of piece 1 and 2. 

Here's the fun get to pick the sizes of your pockets. I probably enjoyed this way too much... I ended up just sewing a random assortment of sizes from the width of a pencil to a few inches wide - or at least wide enough to hold a makeup compact or a hair brush. 

At this point, all you have to do is find a sash - I had an old black silk scarf I used and load it with brushes! 

In action:

Awkward knees, yay.



p.s.  If you want to re-post this tutorial, feel free - just credit it back to my blog! 


  1. Wow! Finally! I've been looking for a DIY makeup brush tool belt! Thanks for sharing this. I'll try this at home :)

    Sai from Fashion by Sai (The Fashionista)

  2. Thank you for sharing your DIY! I was searching the interwebs for a tutorial like this, and this one was my favorite :)

  3. You have saved my life!!! Now I can rock my own style!! Love, love, love this!!

  4. Thank you! I start mua school next month and want to be as organized as possible. You're the best❤️
