Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Tuesdeay Leist eee

I've been bundled up for the last two days, flannel, leggings, mismatched socks, whatever I can get my hands on to warm up a little - it's been a real fashion week here at my house. For real. eeee

As you may have noticed, my keyboard has started enthusiastically interjecting the letter "e" whenever it pleaeeeeeeses. It is an exercise in frustration to write eveeeeeen the shortest sentence. eeeeeeeee

I don't eeven have to hit the "e" key for it to come blundering into my sentences, I think it just gets overeager and feels the need for some love. Nice one. ee
So here are some favorite things right now... 

1. This look... 

Like my white paint spot? After a weekend full of painting, I think my skin is finally paint free now...it took a lot of scrubbing.

2. This lamp...

I think it's mighty nifty and with a bit of sprucing up it'll look right at home. 

$2.00 thrift find. 

3. Before and afters... 

Radio cabinet re-do coming up soon... 

$7.00 thrift find

4. Short hair...

I'm actually sort of enjoying it....My thick hair delusions have come crashing unceremoniously down and I've determined that no matter how much Biotin I take, this is not in my future. Now that that's been established, I actually sort of like the short hair thing. Sort of.  

Well, would you look at that! The rest of this post appears to be free of the overly exuberant "e" key... blessings upon us. 

Peeeeeace out,



  1. Your hair looks great! Having not been blessed with thick hair myself. I have settled into enjoying having a bob. Although at times I do look with longing at the cute long haired styles and sigh...

  2. Thank you, it's been through a lot this year so it needed to be chopped, I guess I should give it a bit more credit - I haven't exactly been easy on it, bless it ;)
