Tuesday, February 26, 2013

12 Randoms

25 is too many, tag or no tag.

 Imagine the issues I have answering all the questions on a new patient form at the doctor's office....

Since you aren't my doctor and since I'm the Grand Poobah of this here blog, I'll stick with 12 things.

1. I play a few different instruments and was raised with a particular affection for music, I currently play the fiddle in a bluegrass band. Is bluegrass my favorite music of all time? Nope. (bonus questions..sneaky) Do I want to lose that ability to play that instrument? Nope. Therefore, I play. Logic, friends.

2.  I have 4 names, I kept my maiden name when I got married and didn't bother to ditch my middle name to make more space.

3. I went through a phase when I was about 11 where all I ever did was sew cloth purses. It was my joy in life. Sewing and carrying around badly stitched handbags.

4. My sister and I pulled a boy (by force) past the open doorway of the girl's bathroom at a baseball park one summer afternoon simply because he said we couldn't do it. This is when my mother seriously began to consider the likelihood of having given birth to the spawn of Satan. I'm truly ashamed of this act.

Sorry, kid.

But you asked for it.

....but sorry. I guess.

5. I won The Optimist International's Oratorical Contest when I was 15, that's the same one Julia Roberts won as I'm sure everyone knows. Which makes us best friends, obviously.

6. My Mom and my Dad have always been two of my real best friends, no offense, Julia,

7. Once at a young age, my family went on a field trip to a friend's house. This friend was a chicken farmer and the purpose of the field trip was to learn about the process of farming chicken's for meat. Guess what that involves? Slaughtering chickens. That was an experience.

8. I'm incredibly allergic to kitties. This was something I denied for years because I had a kitty I loved very dearly...after he died I became suddenly and irrevocably aware of a highly unfortunate allergy to the cuddly little guys. I then became disenchanted. Not a cat person over here.

9. I have listened to the Great Expectations audio book no less than 4 times from start to finish. So that's 72,000 hours of my life dedicated to Dickens thus far.

10. I'm left handed

11. I sunk a boat two summers ago. It involved forgetting to plug catamaran pontoons and subsequent ship-carnage. We survived, the boat survived(ish). The beach police showed up and pointedly discussed the color of the tidal flag in a highly animated fashion, reminding us that if the coast guard had to be called to bail out our boat we would be burned and then shot without trial. Brad reconsidered the wisdom in marrying such a moron.

Can't let this go.........is it I sank a boat or sunk a boat? Past participle or just past tense, do I need a helping verb to make that sentence work? Class? Bueller?

Moving on.

12. I hate folding laundry. Passionately. Which is what I must go do at the moment.



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